You can find on this page the San Francisco zipcodes map to print and to download in PDF. The San Francisco zip code map presents postal codes, address lookup and code list of San Francisco in USA.

San Francisco postcodes map

Map of San Francisco zip codes

The San Francisco postcodes map shows all the zip codes of San Francisco. This zip code map of San Francisco will allow you to easily find postal codes and address lookup of San Francisco in USA. The San Francisco postcode map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

The postcode of San Francisco is 94102 as you can see in San Francisco postcodes map (San Francisco, CA) Estimated postcode population of San Francisco in 2017: 30,582 postcode population in 2010: 31,176 postcode population of San Francisco postcodes in 2000: 28,991 March 2019 cost of living index in postcode 94102: 185.9 (very high, U.S. average is 100).

According to world postal code in San Francisco there are 51 zip codes. San Francisco postcode comprise five digit numbers 94103. San Francisco postcodes generally start with 941xx which is for San Francisco city. 940xx is for the Peninsula. 949xx for Marin County. 94xxx is basically the start of postcodes for most of the 5 county Bay Area, with the exception of San Jose and most of Santa Clara Country, which is 95xxx as its shown in San Francisco postcodes map. Strangely, another exception is 942xx, which is assigned for Sacramento but it is overlaid with 95xxx zip codes which is more commonly seen.

San Francisco is a city of San Francisco, California in the Pacific West region of the USA. It is located about 75 miles southwest of CA capital city of Sacramento. In the most recent US census the population of San Francisco was 805235. The postcodes of San Francisco is 94103. Each district in San Francisco has its own postcode as you can see in San Francisco postcodes map.